Immediat TERADATA Online training available...,Interested people drop a mail...
TERADATA Online training available(INDIA)...<> Trainig will be provided as per your requirement and convenience.I am a Teradata SQL specialist having 4 years of...
View ArticleTeradata online training, online teradata training - response (6) by Josephking
Online training for Teradata--contact: Just drop a mail regarding your queries.we will get back to you asap.New batch starting soon.
View ArticleNeed help to find out Teradata certification material - response (47) by...
Hi..I have all the teradata material .if you want,I also provide online training.pls feel free to contact me.
View ArticlePoints to take care for Automated Purge Process - response (2) by terankit
Hi Dnoeth, Please help. Thanks in advance.
View ArticleBetween Times not working - topic by mattie4
I get error someting between a string or a Unicode character literal and the 'and' keyword. SELECT CREAT_TM, Case CREAT_TM read more
View ArticleLock row for access : In insert-Select - response (3) by So
Create a view for the "tab1" table using LOCK ROW FOR ACCESS and then select from the view when doing the INSERT/SELECT.
View ArticleUpdate select optimization - response (2) by harshita45
Hi, I am not updating the PI column. it is like this. update Table A from Table B set COL 1 = B. COL1 COL2 = B.COL2 COL3 = B.COL3.... WHERE A.COL (PI) = B.COL (PI) only in where condition i am...
View ArticleTPT script: error while executing TPT script - response (8) by devallu_y
Hi, I have run tbuild -V version is
View ArticleTPT script: error while executing TPT script - response (9) by ulrich
In this case it is as feinholz stated "If you would like further help on this you are going to have to provide the script, or at least portions of the script. Just remove all sensitive information. At...
View ArticleUpdate select optimization - response (3) by ulrich
drop all NUSI, USI, JI? which contain columns which are going to be updated and recreate them after the update.
View ArticleCan some one provide the solution for the below scenario? - response (4) by...
I think you are looking for something like this... select base.cust_id, base.src_id, base.branch, base.month_end_date, coalesce(amt,0) as MTD, sum(coalesce(amt,0)) over (partition by base.cust_id,...
View ArticleBetween Times not working - response (1) by WAQ
The CASE syntax in your given query is not correct. It should be like this: Case When ASKME_CREAT_DT Between ('2012/08/29') and ('2012/08/30') Then 'AM' Else 'unknown' END AS TimeofDAY
View ArticleBetween Times not working - response (2) by ulrich
Your case is odd as you mix two syntax types, so it will not work. What data type is ASKME_CREAT_TM?
View ArticleJDBC - ODBC SQLState Conflict - topic by Hamid Saeed Khan
Hi , We are seeing dissimilarities of returned SQLState between the SQLState returned while executing a stored procedure from SQL Assistant and when the same Stored procedure is called through...
View ArticleBetween Times not working - response (3) by ulrich
Select current_timestamp(0) cts, cast(cts as time) as ctime, case when ctime between cast('08:00:00' as time) and cast('12:00:00' as time) then 'AM' else 'unkown' end ;
View ArticleParent Child Relationship Flattening - response (2) by itrave007
View ArticleParent Child Relationship Flattening - response (3) by ulrich
But WS WG1 WG2 WA W1 B1 W2 B2 is not WS- WG1-W1-B1- WG22-W2-B2-WA So, what is the final call on this?
View ArticleParent Child Relationship Flattening - response (4) by itrave007
This is what is needed, sorry for the confusion WS WG1 WG2 WA W1 B1 W2 B2
View ArticleProblems in connecting to Teradata from Java on AIX - topic by
Hi Guys , This is my first post here , so Hello to Everyone :) I am trying to connect to a Teradata database from a AIX box using Java . I have downloaded the...
View ArticleProblems in connecting to Teradata from Java on AIX - response (1) by tomnolan
Teradata JDBC Driver does not include TdgssUserConfigFile.xml. It only includes terajdbc4.jar and tdgssconfig.jar. So your TdgssUserConfigFile.xml may be left over from an old...
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