As a starting point, you can query DBC.LogOnOff to determine the cause of the error. If you continue to have a problem, and you are a customer, then you can open an incident with Customer Support.
cast(cast(logdate as format 'YYYY-MM-DD') as varchar(100))
,cast(logtime as varchar(100))
,cast(cast(logondate as format 'YYYY-MM-DD') as varchar(100))
,cast(logontime as varchar(100))
from dbc.logonoff
where logdate >= date '2012-09-30'
order by 1,2
"2012-10-01" "18:34:58.14" "27715" "GUEST " "2012-10-01" "18:34:57.94" "Logon "
"2012-10-01" "18:34:58.33" "27715" "GUEST " "2012-10-01" "18:34:57.94" "Logoff "
"2012-10-01" "18:35:31.48" "27716" "GUEST " "2012-10-01" "18:35:31.48" "Bad Password"
"2012-10-01" "18:36:06.46" "27717" "Non-existent User " "2012-10-01" "18:36:06.46" "Bad User "
"2012-10-01" "18:45:50.23" "27718" "GUEST " "2012-10-01" "18:45:49.88" "Logon "
"2012-10-01" "18:45:57.97" "27718" "GUEST " "2012-10-01" "18:45:49.88" "Logoff "