I met with the exact same problem earlier today. I was using TPT (TTU 13.10) to load data into a TD14.0 database.
Once I upgraded to TPT (TTU 14.0) the error changed into just a warning and subsequent TPT steps were executed without any problems.
Teradata Parallel Transporter SQL DDL Operator Version
DDL_OPERATOR: private log specified: ddl_log07
DDL_OPERATOR: connecting sessions
DDL_OPERATOR: sending SQL requests
DDL_OPERATOR: RDBMS Warning: 5860 Values targeted at the Identity Column are rep laced by system-generated numbers.
DDL_OPERATOR: Rows Inserted: 5
DDL_OPERATOR: disconnecting sessions
DDL_OPERATOR: Total processor time used = '0.17 Second(s)'
DDL_OPERATOR: Start : Thu Oct 18 01:04:14 2012
DDL_OPERATOR: End : Thu Oct 18 01:04:15 2012
Job step MERGE_INTO_CORE_TBL terminated (status 4)