I recently upgraded to TD14. The query runs fine in TD14. However, when I tried to run the old batch jobs under TD14 it would not pull the query and it hung. Since I run a lot of batch jobs (about 60 - 100 queries) per week, I need to make this to work. Otherwise, I will have to run this manually but it will take forever to submit the job.
Below is the .bat file to execute the batch job. TD12 "C:\Program Files\NCR\Teradata SQL Assistant 12.0\queryman" -c CLR_NC_ODBC\password -f C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\SQL\WC ACC NOPMT.sql -e \\csparam1948320\ebo\WC ACC.txt
I recently upgraded to TD14. The query runs fine in TD14. However, when I tried to run the old batch jobs under TD14 it would not pull the query and it hung. Since I run a lot of batch jobs (about 60 - 100 queries) per week, I need to make this to work. Otherwise, I will have to run this manually but it will take forever to submit the job.
Below is the .bat file to execute the batch job.
"C:\Program Files\NCR\Teradata SQL Assistant 12.0\queryman" -c CLR_NC_ODBC\password -f C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\SQL\WC ACC NOPMT.sql -e \\csparam1948320\ebo\WC ACC.txt
"C:\Program Files\Teradata\Client\14.00\Teradata SQL Assistant\SQLA.exe" -c CLR_NC_ODBC\password -f C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\SQL\WC ACC NOPMT.sql -e \\csparam1948320\ebo\WC ACC.txt
Any help will be appreciated it!