Thanks a lot ulrich.I have re-collected the stats and explain plan works it shows only 15 seconds.
''P.S. The PI of EFBI_DEV1_CSPR_T.STG_CSPR_WST_CDR doesn't seem to follow the first priceple that the PI should support access.''
--But for table EFBI_DEV1_CSPR_T.STG_CSPR_WST_CDR,CODE_BKDN_DEF_ID is the primary index and i have used it to join with EFBI_DEV1_CSPR_T.STG_CSPR_OPP_ACT.columns from ACT_DTL_C1_TXT to ACT_DTL_C55_TXT are not part of primary index of EFBI_DEV1_CSPR_T.STG_CSPR_OPP_ACT.Please clarify