I want ti run a macro - PDCRINFO.CapCanarySUMRT_Rpt. This macro will give me max and avg canary response time. I see that this macro uses PDCRDATA."Canary_Hst" and PDCRDATA."ShiftHour". However, both of these tables are empty.
Can anyone help me to identify how these tables are populated ? Do i need to enable logging for these ? I tried to see if canary query logging can be enabled, however, i dont see any option to log the canary query.
I want ti run a macro - PDCRINFO.CapCanarySUMRT_Rpt. This macro will give me max and avg canary response time. I see that this macro uses PDCRDATA."Canary_Hst" and PDCRDATA."ShiftHour". However, both of these tables are empty.
Can anyone help me to identify how these tables are populated ? Do i need to enable logging for these ? I tried to see if canary query logging can be enabled, however, i dont see any option to log the canary query.