Yes we can read and import vsam files directly ( all Teradata formats are supported ). Only sequential read is supported. No keyed indexing is supported. Alternate Index ( Path Names ) are also supported for sequential read.
Usually VSAM files are created and maintained by COBOL or ASM programs. This means the format will be UNFORMATTED ( which on the mainframe is identical to FORMATTED ). So as long as you can create a ddl schema that matches their data lay-out format you should be good to go. CHAR, INT and decimal should work ( I am not sure if float would be compatible with a cobol float ). You need to understand and map our types to standard corresponding IBM Cobol mainframe types. VARCHAR might also work ( if you created data that corresponds ) with our format.
Yes we can read and import vsam files directly ( all Teradata formats are supported ). Only sequential read is supported. No keyed indexing is supported. Alternate Index ( Path Names ) are also supported for sequential read.
Usually VSAM files are created and maintained by COBOL or ASM programs. This means the format will be UNFORMATTED ( which on the mainframe is identical to FORMATTED ). So as long as you can create a ddl schema that matches their data lay-out format you should be good to go. CHAR, INT and decimal should work ( I am not sure if float would be compatible with a cobol float ). You need to understand and map our types to standard corresponding IBM Cobol mainframe types. VARCHAR might also work ( if you created data that corresponds ) with our format.