I have a perplpexing issue, which seems to me must have a simple answer -
I am attempting to natch values of a column that contain embedded whte space of more than one consecutive <space> character
In other words if I have two character strings ,
'ABC DEF' ( 6 characters bisected by a single whte space )
'GHI JKL' ( 6 characters bisected by 2 consecutive white spaces )
I issue this statement
select * from table where col1 like '% %' -- wild card preceding two consecutive whie spaces, followed by wildcard
I expect to get only 1 row back : 'GHI JKL'.
However, this returns not only the string containing 2 consecutive white spaces, but also the string containing only one white space.
My question is 1: why?
2. Is there something basic that I am overlooking that would allow me to match only the column(s) which contain multiple consecutive white space characters embedded in a character string?