I have been looking for instructions on how to install the Teradata ODBC drive in a linux environement. I have Centos 6.4 installed with unixODBC 2.2.14 installed. I have downloaded the 64-bit ODBC drivers an attempted to install the TeraGSS, ICU and ODBC driver but I cannot connect using isql. I get the following error message:
01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/opt/teradata/client/14.00/odbc_64/lib/tdata.so' : file not found
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
When I tried to remove the rpm using rpm -e *TeraGSS* I get an error error: package TeraGSS_linux_x64- is not installed. But when I try to install the rpm again I get the message package TeraGSS_linux_x64- is already installed.
I am at a loss as to wht to do next.