Hello VP experts,
We have noticed a weird behaviour after VP and DB upgrade to version 14. Our VP is now V14.00.00.05-b49 and DBs are on and
The problem is that sql and explain texts are quite often not visible in VP (usually when you need to see they are not there ^_^)
I have read somewhere that it could be problem with collection rates, but cannot find the post anymore.
Our rates are:
Monitor Rates:
Session sampling - 30s
Node/Vproc Collection - 60s
Node/Vproc Logging - 600s
Data Collectors > Sessions:
Sample rate - Recommended sample rate (I guess this makes it 30s)
SQL and Explain Tresholds
- Elapsed seconds - 10
- Total CPU seconds - 5
Is there a way how to identify if we hit those tresholds? Any other suggestions?