HI Dieter,
I have some questions on DBC space ?
First of all i need to increatse space on DBC .(Here we can't add more disk sapce )only the option is we can reduce space from other db's or users ,then the space is should be increase on DBC ? Right ?
And we use some query i.e ,
SELECT tablename, SUM(currentperm), SUM(peakperm) FROM dbc.tablesize WHERE databasename = 'dbc' GROUP BY 1 QUALIFY RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(currentperm) DESC) <= 20;
Result is :
TransientJournal 210,030,166,016.00 210,030,166,016.00;EventLog 6,782,329,856.00 6,782,329,856.00;DBQLogTbl 3,166,243,840.00 3,166,243,840.00;DBQLSqlTbl 1,779,373,056.00 1,779,373,056.00;SW_Event_Log 1,551,524,864.00 1,551,524,864.00
;RCEvent 40,189,952.00 40,189,952.00;TVFields 39,965,184.00 45,026,816.00;
TVM 25,444,352.00 27,667,456.00;AccessRights 9,964,032.00 10,184,192.00
;DataBaseSpace 7,659,520.00 7,669,248.00;TextTbl 5,172,224.00 8,936,448.00
;Indexes 1,152,000.00 1,177,600.00;ResUsageSps 1,106,944.00 1,106,944.00
;ResUsageSvpr 864,256.00 864,256.00;ErrorMsgs 797,696.00 797,696.00
;ResUsageIvpr 403,456.00 403,456.00;ConstantDefs 333,824.00 333,824.00
;ConstantValues 294,912.00 294,912.00;PasswordRestrictions 163,840.00 163,840.00
ResUsageSawt 120,832.00 120,832.00
Like this i got result ..First question is this query is Right or not ? To find this Result ? ?
in this what are all the delete from dictonary tables.Once we delete some space from above result, and we get some space add in to DBC Right ? ?
Can you pelase help me inthis query ?
How can i delete space to get more increase in dbc ? ?
Please help me ? any one
Thanks in advance
HI Dieter,
I have some questions on DBC space ?
First of all i need to increatse space on DBC .(Here we can't add more disk sapce )only the option is we can reduce space from other db's or users ,then the space is should be increase on DBC ? Right ?
And we use some query i.e ,
SELECT tablename, SUM(currentperm), SUM(peakperm) FROM dbc.tablesize WHERE databasename = 'dbc' GROUP BY 1 QUALIFY RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(currentperm) DESC) <= 20;
Result is :
TransientJournal 210,030,166,016.00 210,030,166,016.00;EventLog 6,782,329,856.00 6,782,329,856.00;DBQLogTbl 3,166,243,840.00 3,166,243,840.00;DBQLSqlTbl 1,779,373,056.00 1,779,373,056.00;SW_Event_Log 1,551,524,864.00 1,551,524,864.00
;RCEvent 40,189,952.00 40,189,952.00;TVFields 39,965,184.00 45,026,816.00;
TVM 25,444,352.00 27,667,456.00;AccessRights 9,964,032.00 10,184,192.00
;DataBaseSpace 7,659,520.00 7,669,248.00;TextTbl 5,172,224.00 8,936,448.00
;Indexes 1,152,000.00 1,177,600.00;ResUsageSps 1,106,944.00 1,106,944.00
;ResUsageSvpr 864,256.00 864,256.00;ErrorMsgs 797,696.00 797,696.00
;ResUsageIvpr 403,456.00 403,456.00;ConstantDefs 333,824.00 333,824.00
;ConstantValues 294,912.00 294,912.00;PasswordRestrictions 163,840.00 163,840.00
ResUsageSawt 120,832.00 120,832.00
Like this i got result ..First question is this query is Right or not ? To find this Result ? ?
in this what are all the delete from dictonary tables.Once we delete some space from above result, and we get some space add in to DBC Right ? ?
Can you pelase help me inthis query ?
How can i delete space to get more increase in dbc ? ?
Please help me ? any one
Thanks in advance