Thanks a lot for your guidance. I understood the concept behind LCC.
THis bring another question in my mind. could you pls throw some light here too please.
assume my session got connected to node 1 (assume i have 4 node MPP) and i'm writing a query which my PE in Node1 parses and identifies the data is in Node 3's AMP5. In this case, will the PE in Node1 will automately route the request to the MAP5 in Node3 thru BYNET? is My Understanding Right? or the PE in Node1 will talk only to AMP in NODE1 ?
Hi Carlos,
Thanks a lot for your guidance. I understood the concept behind LCC.
THis bring another question in my mind. could you pls throw some light here too please.
assume my session got connected to node 1 (assume i have 4 node MPP) and i'm writing a query which my PE in Node1 parses and identifies the data is in Node 3's AMP5. In this case, will the PE in Node1 will automately route the request to the MAP5 in Node3 thru BYNET? is My Understanding Right? or the PE in Node1 will talk only to AMP in NODE1 ?
Thanks again.