If it applies to other tools as well this may not be it, but you might want to check what it says in UserOptions.config.
One possibility is that the window location is not within the visible area of your screen, or maybe the window size is zero.
You could fix that by changing the values of <X> and <Y> under <WindowLocation>, as in: <WindowLocation> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </WindowLocation>
and check that <WindowSize> is not 0.
I would also check that <WindowState> is not Minimized.
Or you could just delete the file if you don't mind resetting all your user options.
If it applies to other tools as well this may not be it, but you might want to check what it says in UserOptions.config.
One possibility is that the window location is not within the visible area of your screen, or maybe the window size is zero.
You could fix that by changing the values of <X> and <Y> under <WindowLocation>, as in:
and check that <WindowSize> is not 0.
I would also check that <WindowState> is not Minimized.
Or you could just delete the file if you don't mind resetting all your user options.