In Windows, I have Teradata GUI client installed that I use to run some .bteq and .sql scripts/queries on a database. So, basically I click on the icon on the desktop for Teradata client and then provide ". logon database/username" and I'm connected. The version I see in Windows client for Teradata is showing me "BTEQWin" which does the job for me.
Now, I want the same capability from a Unix machine (I have 2 types: Sun Solaris Sparc 10 and other one is Generic SunOS x86 machine).
My questions are:
- Which client do I need to install to get the above funcationality working from Unix $ prompt?
- Will the same client for SunOS Solaris - work for both types of machines as I have mentioned above?
- From where can I get the installer with instructions (in case I dont have the DVD)?
- What do I need to install as a pre-requisite before installing the client so that it works perfectly after installation.
Arun Sangal