Oh thank hyou for your response! I didn't get an email so I didn't think I had one. :)
START_Y is DATE. It displays as 2012-03-26. However, the syntax above (START_Y <= DATE '2012-03-26') has been tried and fails. :( It works in SQL Assistant, but I am querying from IBM BPMv8 tool directly against the Teradata database through a JDBC connection and that syntax does not work. From what I have found in my research/testing, syntax between SQL Assistant against a Teradata DB and syntax directly toward the Teradata DB (BTEQ) does not match. Below is an example of it not matching:
This code works in SQL Assistant:
Where EDWC076_RATE_TYPE_N like 'TREND%' and YEAR(EDWC075_EFF_OUT_Y)=2013
However if you run it directly against Teradata (BTEQ), it gives me that Connection Closed Error. So I researched and found that the correct syntax had to be changed to: Select EDWC076_RATE_TYPE_N From EDWDEV_VIEW.EDWC075_USD_EXCH_RATE_VWWhere EDWC076_RATE_TYPE_N like 'TREND%' and EXTRACT(YEAR from (EDWC075_EFF_OUT_Y))=2013
Notice the difference between using YEAR() in SQL Assistant and having to use EXTRACT(YEAR from ()) when going against the DB using BTEQ.
Oh thank hyou for your response! I didn't get an email so I didn't think I had one. :)
START_Y is DATE. It displays as 2012-03-26. However, the syntax above (START_Y <= DATE '2012-03-26') has been tried and fails. :( It works in SQL Assistant, but I am querying from IBM BPMv8 tool directly against the Teradata database through a JDBC connection and that syntax does not work. From what I have found in my research/testing, syntax between SQL Assistant against a Teradata DB and syntax directly toward the Teradata DB (BTEQ) does not match. Below is an example of it not matching:
This code works in SQL Assistant:
Where EDWC076_RATE_TYPE_N like 'TREND%' and YEAR(EDWC075_EFF_OUT_Y)=2013
However if you run it directly against Teradata (BTEQ), it gives me that Connection Closed Error. So I researched and found that the correct syntax had to be changed to:
Notice the difference between using YEAR() in SQL Assistant and having to use EXTRACT(YEAR from ()) when going against the DB using BTEQ.
Thank you!