As subject indicates, is it supported in TD when using jdbc to run sql such as
SELECT NAME AS "Non-English Char Here", ACCOUNT AS "Non-English Char Here" FROM ACCOUNT
I set the JDBC URL connection parameters as 1) CHARSET=UTF8, 2) CLIENT_CHARSET=UTF8, 3)DEFAULT(ASCII). Only 1) seems support well. The other two do not fully support.
The error message is as below:
Error: [Teradata Database] [TeraJDBC] [Error 3697] [SQLState HY000] Attempt to translate Unicode/Graphic/KanjiSJIS data to another form has failed
SQLState: HY000
ErrorCode: 3697
In other databases, this is supported well. I am not sure if TD supports this or there is configuration/trick there? or something realted charset....??