Thanks for the heads up. Yes, being able to access the actual explain for a given session would be best. e.g MonitorExplain(HostId, SessionNo, runVprocNo) to match with the montiorsession, monitorSQLtext, etc.
In many cases though, close is good enough. I can cross-reference other data(e.g. DBQL Usage/XML explain from previous runs of the same job) to corroborate any conclusions.
Thanks for the heads up. Yes, being able to access the actual explain for a given session would be best. e.g MonitorExplain(HostId, SessionNo, runVprocNo) to match with the montiorsession, monitorSQLtext, etc.
In many cases though, close is good enough. I can cross-reference other data(e.g. DBQL Usage/XML explain from previous runs of the same job) to corroborate any conclusions.