Qun and Fred-I need some guidance. I am trying to invoke teradat sql scipt via unix. However, my id has an ldap authentication. I am to run it interactively (bteq then enter...then .logmech ldap enter ...then .logon xxx/userid enter then password) but not via a ksh driver file. Can you share your ksh script as an example. I reviewed what you had posted as but I dodnot see the logmech and ldap written anywhere in it while the output shows it. It will be great if you can help
Qun and Fred-I need some guidance. I am trying to invoke teradat sql scipt via unix. However, my id has an ldap authentication. I am to run it interactively (bteq then enter...then .logmech ldap enter ...then .logon xxx/userid enter then password) but not via a ksh driver file. Can you share your ksh script as an example. I reviewed what you had posted as but I dodnot see the logmech and ldap written anywhere in it while the output shows it. It will be great if you can help