Hi Todd,
"dbc" doesn't mean the user dbc, it's just the default value for TDPID (dbc = DataBase Computer).
This default can be modified for utilities using CLI (like BTEQ or the load tools):
There's a file "clispb.dat" in the CLI installation directory and one of the entries is "i_dbcpath=dbc", this would be the global default used when no TPDID is supplied. When you set an environment variable "COPLIB" to a directory path where a copy of this file is located, you can specify a different default.
Check the CLI manual for details on this "System Parameter Block".
Btw, it's not bypassing the name resolution (hosts file etc.), it's just a default name used for the resolution. Of course you could also use an ip-address instead of a name, but this is not recommended for multi-node systems as it will prevent session balancing across nodes.