Sel emplid,effdt,empl_status, coalesce(mdiff(est,1,rno),-1) cnn from
(sel emplid,effdt,empl_status, case empl_status when 'active' then 2 else 1 end est, rank(effdt asc,empl_status) rno from tab1)t
qualify cnn in(-1,1)
my answerset would be like this
31,750 1/1/2009 LEAVE
31,750 1/23/2009 ACTIVE
31,750 2/1/2009 LEAVE
31,750 2/1/2009 ACTIVE
31,750 6/1/2009 LEAVE
31,750 5/2/2010 ACTIVE
31,750 7/1/2010 LEAVE
31,750 11/1/2011 ACTIVE
use the above query to seperate the EFFDT column as per your requirement.