Hi KS42982,
Table structure is
Create Set Table Database.Table
Account_Number decimal(16,0) not null,
Date_Added Date Format 'YYYY-MM-DD' not null,
Time_Added Time(6) format 'hh:mi:ss.s(6)' not null,
Dept Varchar(10)
) Primary Index(Account_Number, Date_Added);
Insert into Database.Table values ( 100,'2013-01-01','10:14:27.196005', 'BCMD');
Insert into Database.Table values ( 100,'2013-01-01','10:14:27.196008', 'AMEX');
Select T1.*, rank(Account_Number, Date_Added,Time_Added)
where Account_Number = 100
Date_Added = '2013-01-01'
group by Account_Number, Date_Added,Time_Added
order by Account_Number, Date_Added,Time_Added;
Since Time_Added has a different value, rank '1' should be assigned to both the records. However, the above query is returning the rank as 1 and 2. Seems the value of Time_Added is getting truncated to a common value internally during the execution of query.