I am not trying to be so smart. But there is always positive and negative aspects of a design of database engine. And you just mentioned all those "not our competitors" why not speak about SAP HANA, GP, IBM NT, IBM DB2, HYPERTABLE(BIGTABLE) ... and such?
For example, you are concerning about function, macro, sp, udf and so on.... I am more concerned why the hell oracle is having trouble to simply count rows on table with 8billions rows, in TD i get this in 8sec with low_profile, low_account rights, using oracle it runs for 6h and ended because 'snapshot is too old' ....
Speaking of Oracle I am more concern about the "indexes" and how they implemented.... it is painfull to be an Oracle Admin ;) ... and don't let me start with the 'storage' and 'tablespaces' or/and "parallel processing" ...
ad_MACRO: it is set of statements and formating options, to help users to ask quickly as possible without any typos, sometimes you can force them to use macros instead of directly issued statements .... difference ? quite big, macro is processed much quicker than the very same in normal statement processing.
ad_SP: includes Teradata SQL(as well ANSI SQL) and Procedural Statements, so much more options in comparation to macros
ad_UDF: Java or C extension to SQL functionality ....
ad_oracle_functions: you don't need to write your own, there is downloadable set of favorite oracle functions.
To see if table exist, you just write a 'trigger' related to your favorite table, or there are other Teradata SQL commands to help you directly if table exist or not.
You want to work with datatypes related to date-time-stamp? Maybe you should check the manuals to se how TD handle/store/format with such datatypes (also if you are using 14.x version, learn how to use internal calendar) ,You might find, that having TO_DATE / TO_CHAR combos over one line is quite wasting of your time. In TD you can just use the math, no conversion (of course you have to store date/time in correct datatypes
PS: instead of reading articles, get a Teradata Factory course and than you will PPrecall your post :)