You are getting a syntax error because the variable substitution is substituting everything, including the single quotes. And those single quotes are causing the syntax errors.
This is not really the correct way to substitute a schema.
A better way is to place the schema definition in a text file, and then use the %INCLUDE feature. You can then put the file name in a job variable and reference that file in the job variable file.
Better yet, if the schema matches the data as it is retrieved from the SELECT * in the Export operator, just let TPT determine the schema for you. The 14.0 documentation discusses explicit and implicit schema.
You can also use:
DEFINE SCHEMA <name> 'some-table-name';
and we will go out and grab the columns for that table. In your case:
DEFINE SCHEMA <name> @SourceTableName;
where (in the job variable file):
SourceTableName = 'some-table-name'