If you look at the output, you will see one schema defined with "sql_source" like this:
sql_source 706 2000 VARCHAR
and in the other location, like this:
sql_source 690 2147483647 text
Clearly, something is wrong somewhere.
You will need to open an incident with the GSC (global support center) and have them help you research the issue.
I will also note that you are using the SQLServer ODBC driver, and not an ODBC driver that is certified with TPT. Since we only certify with the ODBC drivers provided by Progress DataDirect, you should download an evaluation copy of that driver and try out the test. If you still get the same issue, then contact the GSC. If the problem goes away, there must be something about the SQLServer driver that was erroneous.
The GSC might only assist if you are using supported 3rd party products.