Thank you Ulrich! We will go with the sqlSave RODBC route for now. The fast=true option does speed up the insertion due to parameterized inserts but does have some datatype issue such as Date. But my colleage figured out a way to do so by using varTypes:
Test <- sqlQuery (channel = channel, query = "select * from sys_calendar.calendar where calendar_date<= (date - 10)")
sqlDrop(channel = channel, "DWSP_ETL_STG.testme")
sqlSave(channel = channel, dat = Test[1:10000,], tablename = "DWSP_ETL_STG.testme", append = F, rownames = F, colnames = FALSE, verbose = F, safer = TRUE, addPK = F, fast = T, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL, varTypes = unlist(lapply(Test, class)))