Thanks feinholz, :)
I moved ahead but now i am getting different error stating its not able to load shared library
I checked whether this file exists or not, but its there on the below path also i given it all the permissions but still not working.
Teradata Parallel Transporter Version
Job log: /opt/teradata/client/13.10/tbuild/logs/ODBC_LOAD-45.out
Job id is ODBC_LOAD-45, running on edwanadev
Found CheckPoint file: /opt/teradata/client/13.10/tbuild/checkpoint/ODBC_LOADLVCP
This is a restart job; it restarts at step MAIN_STEP.
TPT_INFRA: TPT02192: Error: Cannot load shared library
dlopen error: Could not load module /opt/teradata/client/13.10/tbuild/lib/
Dependent module /opt/teradata/client/ODBC_64/lib/libodbc.a( could not be loaded.
The module has an invalid magic number.
Could not load module /opt/teradata/client/13.10/tbuild/lib/
Dependent module /opt/teradata/client/13.10/tbuild/lib/ could not be loaded.
TPT_INFRA: TPT02109: Cannot open shared library, status = Open Error
TPT_INFRA: TPT02240: Error: Cannot create operator object, status = Operator Error
TPT_INFRA: TPT02103: Executor unable to set up its table object
Job step MAIN_STEP terminated (status 8)
Job ODBC_LOAD terminated (status 8)